Alpha parts and manufacturing has recently been moved from Colorado to Dayton, Ohio (Nov 2021).
Parts will be unpacked and available for parts orders via the online Store late in May.
Amplifier production for new amplifier orders is progressing as parts and PC boards needed are being procured.
Alpha amplifier servicing will resume in Ohio as soon as possible.
Great news, Glenn!
73, de Hans, KØHB
Exciting news! Get’r done!
Hope to see your booth at Dayton 2022. Yes?
WOW GREAT !! this is gooooooood news ! . Frank Schooley W4POO
It’s great seeing all of the progress that’s being made at Alpha/Dishtronix/Ten-Tec.
Amateur radio products made in America are still highly desirable!
What a hoot! The home of Drake will certainly be an excellent home base for Alpha.
Looking forward to the first open house.
Hoping TenTec will come out with an SDR radio soon. One with Pure Signal to updated Alpha amps.
Good Luck
Will the 4520 black go back into production? I would like to buy one
Jim Stitzinger 1-818-519-4419
The Alpha 4520/4510 and 4520A/4510A wattmeters have been discontinued and are not in production.
glad to see your doing such quality work on the building, ive always been a fan of ten tec and alpha!! at the moment i have a complete orion 2 station and 2 alpha amps !!
looking forward to your business opening !!
January 2024:
Is Alpha RF Systems currently in business selling and servicing amplifiers?
Please direct questions to Alpha via email at, the web site comments are not checked very often.